Adrian High is a PhD student at Duke University whose research is fuelled by a fascination with ancient documentary evidence. He explored the multilingual epigraphic record from second and third century Histria on the Black Sea through the prism of sociolinguistic theory as part of his Mag.Phil. at the University of Vienna. This blog is about the East Wall at Delphi text inscriptions and translation.
He is now pursuing his journey into the tantalizing world of papyrology and epigraphy. His current digital project focuses on the archive of manumission inscriptions preserved on the Polygonal Wall in Delphi. For the moment, the objective is to make as much of the wall available online as a deep-zoomable visualization. Further steps include mapping all of the inscriptions on the wall and linking them to PHI (Searchable Greek Inscriptions).
If this is all Greek to you (ha, ha, sorry I had to get that in!) – as it is to me – the do follow the links to the textual representation. Just keep clicking on the links. An interesting aside, I have a friend who was born in Greece and now, like me lives in the Bay Area. Over dinner one night I asked her for a good source to learn about Greek mythology as I’d always been interested. “I learned it when I was five,” she said, “but it wouldn’t do for you.” “I’m sure I could manage a text for a five-year-old.” “I doubt it, I studied it in the original Ancient Greek.”
When you look at the inscriptions, they are weather-worn, hard to read and Adrian has used the GIGAmacro Viewer in a really smart way to mitigate these problems. When you look at the image in the GIGAmacro Viewer and click the (orange) text in the Note, a link is opened to the text on a different website with the full text of the carvings. This is a boon for those who study the texts, to be able to study the text clearly whilst seeing the context of the original work.
Other views are here, here and here.
I haven’t the faintest idea what any of the words mean, but I’m very impressed by the application of our GIGAmacro Viewer in ways we hadn’t even imagined.
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Graham has worked as a business and marketing leader in high technology, aviation and not-for-profit large and small organizations. He jumped out of corporate life in 2007 to ‘have more fun’ and does so helping small companies with strategy, business, and marketing as well as traveling and taking pictures.
He loves working with smart groups of people to solve challenging problems.
Gadgets of all sorts (especially anything to do with aviation and flight) and photography have fascinated since early childhood. He is also an accomplished photographer who exhibits regularly and a former competition aerobatic pilot.
Graham is a transplanted Brit (hence the humo(u)r) who has lived and worked in CA since 1996.
He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing.