World’s First Terabite Macro Image
Hashtag for project: #Terabite
Media Contact: Graham +1 415 999 3106
Press Release and background Information: TerabitePressPack (zip package. Control/Right click to download)
Terabite Press Release Final (pdf)
Terabite Stats Final (pdf)
Chewing the Terabite: How to make a trillion pixel image (blog)
How to Make Gigapixel Macro Images (link)
GIGAmacro Viewer and Images (link)
Example food item Gigamacro Images:
Hamburger (link)
Coffee Bean (link)
Grains (link)
Images for use with Press Release:
GIGAmacro rig setup for terapixel image photography:
Food mosaic on the test rig for creating the terapixel macro image made at Sigraph, 2014. Vancouver, BC.

Rig setup with food mosaic. Test for creating the terapixel macro image made at Sigraph, 2014. Vancouver, BC.
Hibiscus Granola High-Resolution Image:
Coconut High-Resolution Image:
Blueberry High-Resolution Image: