GIGAmacro helps solve a challenge many museums, manufacturers, researchers, and educators face. That is, how to image small subjects with enough detail and resolution to make good decisions AND how to share those images online with others. GIGAmacro is is a subsidiary of Four Chambers Studio LLC (FCS). FCS was founded in 2000 with GIGAmacro’s first product appearing in 2010. We’re located close to the beautiful wine country of the Napa Valley, CA. Despite being surrounded by beauty and wine, we still manage to get work done.
GIGAmacro started, as many great ideas do, in the garage and spare bedroom of its founder. Gene Cooper realized that a unique combination of technologies could solve a problem that many museums, institutions, researchers, educators, and scientists have wrestled with for years – how to digitize subjects and have sufficient resolution to enable new research and discoveries. Having solved that, the question was how to share the imagery and collections with the rest of the world. The prototype to see if it was possible was produced in just a month or two. Refining it into a product capable of being used by a wide variety of disciplines took a bit longer. Over the years, the team at GIGAmacro has developed the technology into set of products, techniques, software, and knowledge that benefits people around the world.