The viewer is like a high powered microscope with additional features not found in optical microscopes, such as the ability to view the whole subject and then zoom into microscopic level. You can also compare, annotate, and share extreme resolution images on your mobile phone, tablet, and desktop browser.

Comparision Viewing
Use the GIGAmacro Viewer to display images side-by-side or in layered mode (one image on top of another). Layers are especially useful when comparing two similar images, or when comparing different views of the same specimen. Transparency of the top layer can be adjusted. You may zoom and pan each image independently, or link images together so that they are synchronized.
Annotations & Markup
Use simple drawing tools to annotate images with notes and comments. This is extremely useful for conveying specific information such as feedback, failures, defects, features, and facts about or in a subject.
Measurements & Scale
Scale bars can be displayed as desired for each image. Measurement tools are built into the GIGAmacro Viewer to take and record measurements in any image.
Access & Sharing
The challenge of high resolution, deep focus imagery is how to easily view and share the inevitably large files. The GIGAmacro Viewer is mobile phone, tablet, and modern desktop browser compatible. This allows sharing between internal teams (privately), or publicly as required.
Content & User Management System
Administrators have content and user management tools for uploading content, editing details about each image, setting permissions, and sharing tools. Each image can public or private and may be easily shared. GIGAmacro Viewer makes it easy to scale to manage thousands of extreme resolution images.
Setup a free account to store and access GIGAmacro and other large-scale imagery. You can upload your images for free and use the built-in comparison, sharing, and annotation tools.
Setup a hosted server loaded and configured with your own instance of the GIGAmacro Viewer. Customize your logo, retain full content and user control, and use your own domain name. May be run on most server or desktop systems.
License the GIGAmacro Viewer to use on your own server. We can provide a container configured with everything you need to run the viewer. Install on any compatible server system such as Amazon Web Services, Rackspace, or most hosting providers.