Increase efficiency by imaging multiple subjects in a single batch using digitization templates. Each physical template holds a series of subjects and is accompanied by a matching software template. Each subject is saved individual project with its own data folder.

Place Subjects
Load some or all of your subjects into the template holder.
Load Software Template
Open the software template in GIGAmacro Capture.
Add Subject Metadata
Enter the name, description, notes, id, for each subject.
Home System
Set the system xyz home at the designated registration point.
Run Batch
Select the first project in the batch and click GO!

The template base is secured to the imaging stage of the Magnify2 and provides a registration system for a variety of templates. Stainless steel pins are used to register the templates. The cast acrylic base accommodates up to four individual templates (750 x 120 mm) at a time.
Part Number, ISA001
Overall Dimensions, 750 x 550 x 12 mm
Registration Holes, 6 mm Diameter
Material, cast acrylic

The template diffuser provides a white translucent surface for diffuse backlighting and as a general imaging background. The diffuser is made of white cast acrylic with 55% transmission of light.
Part Number, ISA002
Overall Dimensions, 750 x 550 x 3 mm
Registration Holes, 6 mm Diameter
Material, white 55% translucent cast acrylic

Digitize microscope slides for archiving, pathology, entomology, and biology. Especially useful for deep tissue slides which are difficult to image on a standard microscope.
Part Number, ISA003
Slide Dimensions, 75 x 25 mm
Overall Dimensions, 120 x 750 x 6 mm
Slides Per Template, 21
Material, cast acrylic

Place this template under any subject that you want to image with cross polarized light when used in conjunction with a polarizing filter on the lens assembly.
Part Number, ISA006
Overall Dimensions, 120 x 750 x 6 mm
Material, cast acrylic with linear polarizer

Use to digitize thin section geologic slides. Can be used with or without the cross polarization template.
Part Number, ISA005
Slide Dimensions, 46 x 27 mm
Overall Dimensions, 120 x 750 x 6 mm
Slides Per Template, 30
Material, cast acrylic

Use to digitize geologic thin sections slides with cross polarization at 90 degree angles. Slides are loaded in the template, photographed with cross polarized light, then rotated 90 degrees and photographed again.
Part Number, ISA012
Slide Dimensions, 46 x 27 mm
Overall Dimensions, 120 x 750 x 6 mm
Slides Per Template, 20
Material, cast acrylic

Use to digitize large sized geologic thin section slides. Use with or without the cross polarization template.
Part Number, ISA004
Slide Dimensions, 75 x 50 mm
Overall Dimensions, 120 x 750 x 6 mm
Slides Per Template, 14
Material, cast acrylic

Use to digitize large geologic thin section slides with cross polarized light. Slides are loaded, photographed, then rotated 90 degrees and rephotographed.
Part Number, ISA013
Slide Dimensions, 75 x 50 mm
Overall Dimensions, 120 x 750 x 6 mm
Slides Per Template, 7
Material, cast acrylic

Use to digitize anterior, dorsal, and lateral views of pinned entomology specimens. Each space in the template accommodates a special box base (with cover) holding a specimen. The box can then be placed in the template and rotated precisely for imaging each different view.
Part Number, ISA010
Overall Dimensions, 120 x 750 x 12 mm
Specimens Per Template, 11
Material, cast acrylic

Use for a variety of purposes and subjects. Can be used with or without the cross polarization template.
Part Number, ISA007
Subject Dimensions, 50 x 50 mm
Overall Dimensions, 120 x 750 x 6 mm
Subjects Per Template, 20
Material, cast acrylic

Use for a variety of purposes and subjects. Can be used with or without the cross polarization template.
Part Number, ISA008
Subject Dimensions, 100 x 100 mm
Overall Dimensions, 120 x 750 x 6 mm
Subjects Per Template, 5
Material, cast acrylic

Use for a variety of purposes and subjects. Can be used with or without the cross polarization template.
Part Number, ISA009
Subject Dimensions, 150 x 150 mm
Overall Dimensions, 750 x 180 x 6 mm
Subjects Per Template, 3
Material, cast acrylic

Use to batch digitize 35mm slides. Ideal for archiving and digital transfer.
Part Number, ISA014
Slide Dimensions, 51 x 51 mm
Overall Dimensions, 120 x 750 x 6 mm
Slides Per Template, 18
Material, cast acrylic
Batch digitize casings with templates specifically engineered for a variety of casings. Each casing template holds a max of 16 casings and fits in the standard 100 x 100 mm general purpose template. Load any combination of templates then place onto the general purpose template on the imaging stage. Custom templates available.

Part Number, ISA011-22C
Casing Size, .22 Caliber
Overall Dimensions, 100 x 100 x 19 mm
Casings Per Template, 16
Material, HDPE marine board plastic

Part Number, ISA011-9MM
Casing Size, 9 mm
Overall Dimensions, 100 x 100 x 19 mm
Casings Per Template, 16
Material, HDPE marine board plastic

Part Number, ISA011-38S
Casing Size, 38 special
Overall Dimensions, 100 x 100 x 19 mm
Casings Per Template, 16
Material, HDPE marine board plastic

Part Number, ISA011-45A
Casing Size, 45 auto
Overall Dimensions, 100 x 100 x 19 mm
Casings Per Template, 16
Material, HDPE marine board plastic

Part Number, ISA011-W40
Casing Size, 40 Winchester
Overall Dimensions, 100 x 100 x 19 mm
Casings Per Template, 16
Material, HDPE marine board plastic