Digitize collections, create content for exhibits, and enable new discoveries in education and research.
Leading the team is Anne Barber, Digitization Project Manager. Anne and her team use the system across multiple disciplines to digitize collections, create content for exhibits, and enable new studies in education and research.
Explore a wide range of examples demonstrating the flexibility and power of the GIGAmacro technology.
Use automation tools to rapidly digitize collections large and small.
- Batch Capture Templates
- Specimen Template Holders
- Automated Capture Software
- Integrated Capture Metadata
Digitize at resolutions up to 1 micron with amazing depth and clarity.
- Scalable Resolution
- Deep Focus
- Large Capture Area (20″ x 24″)
- Reflective and Transmissive
Use the GIGAmacro Viewer to share imagery and content.
- Measurement Tools
- Annotation Tools
- Access Anywhere
- Content Management
The Magnify2 is the workhorse for digitization of your collections and specimens. For entomology applications, recommended options include:
- Batch Capture Templates
- Specimen Template Holders
- Backlight System for Transmission
- Rental Options
Contract with GIGAmacro for special projects, exhibits, and imaging needs. Or if possible, ship specimens to our studios for imaging on demand.
- Onsite Imaging
- Offsite Imaging
- Exhibit design and Fabrication
- Custom Systems